Fabio Almeida – Exploring the druggability of the N-terminal domain of the nucleocapsid protein (N-NTD) of human coronaviruses
The N protein of human beta coronaviruses (hCoV) is responsible for nucleocapsid assembly and other essential regulatory functions. Its N-terminal domain (N-NTD) interacts and melts the double-stranded transcriptional regulatory sequences (dsTRS), regulating the...
Carlos Amezcua – Application of a Hybrid LC-SPE System to Impurity Isolation: A Practical Tool for Structural Characterization by NMR Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry
Structural characterization of active substances and their impurities is a common task during Discovery and Development of pesticides and fungicides in the Agrochemical industry. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and Liquid Chromatography-Mass spectrometry...
Bruce Balcom – A Portable Submersible MR sensor – The Proteus Magnet
The Proteus magnet is a newly developed MR sensor which may be immersed in a fluid to be measured. The Proteus magnet is a dipole magnet fabricated from low cost commercial N52 disc magnets. The magnet is the size of a pocket watch. T1, T2, and D measurements are...
Sven Bodenstedt – Applications of ultralow-field-cycling NMR
Nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion (NMRD) is a versatile tool to study nano-scale dynamic processes, at both fundamental and applied levels. Extremely slow molecular motion on ms to mus timescales and such as protein folding, aqueous complexation and surface...
Katharine Briggs – Time Domain wNMR for the Characterization and Quality Assurance of Vaccines and Adjuvants
Commercially available and proprietary aluminum adjuvants are a component in over 20 currently U.S.-licensed vaccines. They have been widely used in vaccines for adults and children because of their high safety profile and effectiveness at triggering a greater immune...
Robert Brinson – NMR Fingerprinting Strategies for Short Oligonucleotide Therapeutics
Short oligonucleotide therapeutics, including antisense oligonucleotides and siRNAs, are an emerging class of biopharmaceuticals to treat a wide variety of diseases, many of which are inaccessible to small molecule- and protein-based approaches. An increase in FDA...
David Cistola – Plasma Water T2 Measures the Impact of Lifestyle Modification on Cardiometabolic Health: The PREMIER Clinical Trial
Background and Rationale: The world-wide diabetes pandemic has heightened the need for early screening and prevention. Type 2 diabetes develops slowly and insidiously, with the earliest stages going undetected. Our laboratory is utilizing compact magnetic resonance...
Igor Dikiy – Applications of NMR and statistical methods in establishing analytical comparability and process consistency for mAbs
During development of biological drugs such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), it is important to establish comparability of key physicochemical properties, including higher-order structure (HOS), following changes and/or improvements to the manufacturing process. NMR...
Henry R.N.B. Enninful – Advanced NMR Cryoporometry Characterization of Mesoporous Solids
Mesoporous materials are widely used in adsorption, separations, drug delivery, gas storage and as catalytic supports, among others. For these and other applications, characterization of their pore structure is needed for full optimization of their surface area...
Darón Freedberg – Glycoprotein and glycopeptide analysis using practical NMR methods
Glycoconjugates are increasingly used as anti-bacterial vaccines. In their simplest forms, they are similar to glycoproteins. However, even the complete characterization of glycoproteins and glycopeptides continues to present difficulties. While mass spectrometry can...
Philip Grandinetti – mrsimulator: A cross-platform object-oriented open-source software package for fast solid-state NMR spectral simulation and analysis
The open-source Python package, mrsimulator (https://mrsimulator.readthedocs.io), is presented as a simple-to-use, versatile, fast, and open-source library capable of simulating one- and higher-dimensional NMR spectra under static, magic-angle, and variable-angle...
Derrick Kaseman – Developments in Earth’s Magnetic Field NMR for Industrial Applications
Earth's magnetic field (~50 uT) provides an abundant, cryogen-free magnetic field that can be leveraged for NMR spectroscopy. Without superconducting or bulky permanent magnets, fieldable spectrometers could be developed for applications ranging from benchtop or...
Gennady Khirich – Analysis of Systematic and Random Uncertainty in Quantitative NMR Measurements Using a Monte Carlo Method
Quantitative NMR (qNMR) is a powerful analytical technology that is capable of quantifying the concentration of any analyte with exquisite accuracy and precision so long as it contains at least one non-labile NMR-active nucleus. Unlike with traditional analytical...
Adam Le Gresley – “Real-World” Evaluation of Lipid Oxidation Products and Trace Metals in French Fries From Two Chain Fast-Food Restaurants
Differences in lipid oxidation products (LOPs) and trace metal concentrations of French fry samples found between two global chain fast-food restaurants in the UK were investigated using high-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and inductively...
Michael Maiwald – Laboratory accreditation as a reliable indicator of technical competence for testing, calibration and measurement organizations – An introduction to ISO/IEC 17025 using the example of qNMR spectroscopy
ISO/IEC 17025 is the worldwide quality standard for testing and calibration laboratories. It is the basis for accreditation by an accreditation body. The current version was published in 2018. Implementing ISO/IEC 17025 as part of laboratory quality initiatives offers...
Louis Madsen – Tracking motions in materials by NMR diffusometry: Challenges, discoveries, and dangers
Our group's research combines NMR transport measurements with multi-scale structural and dynamical information to understand the behaviors of soft materials. NMR diffusometry represents a reasonably distinct area of NMR, in parallel with spectroscopy and imaging, and...
John Marino – Principal component analysis (PCA) classification of 1D and 2D NMR spectra from Protein Therapeutics: a tool for automated and objective decision making
Protein therapeutics are a highly successful class of drugs that are currently used to treat a number of serious and life-threatening conditions such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, and infectious diseases including COVID-19. These therapeutics have numerous critical...
Michele Martin – Quantitative Relaxation Measurements for Low Field Magnetic Resonance
Low field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) presents a unique opportunity for adaptation into medical and industrial applications. Low field (B0 < 1 T) systems present the advantage of being small and low cost. While low field NMR presents challenges, such as lower...
Rachel Martin – Easy and reproducible construction of NMR transceiver coils using 3D printing
The NMR community has a long history of homebuilt instrumentation, particularly for applications in solid-state NMR and oriented liquids. The recent proliferation of applications involving biomolecular solids and complex materials have increased the stringency of...
Luciano Mueller – Utility of Solution-State NMR Structures in Drug Discovery
Examples will be presented where NMR-deived 3d-structures of drug candidates assisted drug discovery efforts. In the FVIIa program enhanced potency was achieved by the synthesis of macrocyclic compounds albeit at the emergence of conformational heterogeneity. NMR 3d...
Eric Munson – Practical Applications of Solid-State NMR Analysis of Pharmaceuticals
Solid-state NMR spectroscopy can provide unique insight into the composition and properties of pharmaceutical formulations. In particular, both structural and mobility information can be obtained, but the challenge is to relate that information to functional...
Moon Nahm – NMR is essential in our fight against pneumococci
Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a major human pathogen producing more than 100 biochemically unique capsule types, which are the targets of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs). Structural elucidation of capsule polysaccharides (PSs) is a prerequisite to...
Benjamin Reiner – Non-Fourier NMR Techniques Optimized for Polymeric Materials
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a keystone analytical technique in any industrial laboratory. NMR is a universal detector and finds wide application in diverse materials and fields. However, the analytical power of NMR is often tempered by relatively...
April Sawvel – Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Non-Destructive Method for the Characterization of Silicone Elastomer Chemistry In-Situ
Silicone elastomers have industrial relevance as adhesives, sealants, and engineered parts in a myriad of commercial applications. Commercial silicones can be subject to a variety of curing conditions and harsh aging conditions, such as complex strain fields, that...
Dan Sorensen – Setting standards: Revision of USP general chapters <761>/<1761>.
USP general chapters Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy are currently being revised by the quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (qNMR) Expert Panel. Since the last revision in 2013, there has been a...
Hannah Stone – Mechanistic studies in the oxidative and photodegradation of cannabinoids by insitu NMR analysis
While the primary degradants of cannabidiol and related cannabinoids have been well documented since the 1960s, the mechanistic pathways to them are complex and multitudinous. An indepth analysis of the metastable intermediates of many of the key degradation routes...
Yongchao Su – 19F Solid-state NMR Analysis of Pharmaceutical Materials
Solid-state NMR (ssNMR) has been increasingly recognized as a high resolution spectroscopic tool to characterize pharmaceutical materials. [Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 135, 116152, 2021] However, ssNMR application in pharmaceutical sciences is often limited by the...
Ljubica Tasic – Elucidating blood serum signatures of COVID-19 patients in Brazil using 1H-NMR
Blood serum metabolites reflect the physiological state of the body and allow measurement of changes occurring during disease or an infection. Metabolomics can be used to capture these changes and provide more accurate ways of diagnosing diseases, providing prognostic...
Amrit Venkatesh – Sensitivity-enhanced 14N, 17O and 35Cl solid-state NMR for structure determination of organic compounds and pharmaceuticals at natural abundance
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy provides powerful information about local atomic structure in solids. 13C is by far the most frequently utilized nucleus for the analysis of pharmaceuticals. Other NMR-active nuclei in organic compounds and...
Deyun Wang – NMR Based Similarity Metrics for Higher Order Structure Assessment among U.S. Marketed Insulin Therapeutics
Protein or peptide molecules fold into higher order structure (HOS) . Altered HOS could affect therapeutic efficacy and safety, therefore it needs to be characterized. In the process of biosimilar development and regulatory review, the HOS similarity should be...