1. When is the upcoming PANIC Conference scheduled to take place?

The next PANIC Conference is scheduled for Spring 2025.

2. Where is the PANIC Conference being held?

We will be hosting PANIC 2025 at the Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR) in Rockville, Maryland.

3. When does registration open for the PANIC Conferences?

Registration will open in the summer of 2024.

4. How can I register for the PANIC Conferences?

Your name badge, which can be picked up at the front booth, grants you access to all technical sessions, exhibit hall, vendor booths, poster presentations, and meal functions.

5. What is included in the cost of my registration?

You will receive a name badge when you arrive on-site. The conference program is available on the PANIC web site. You can download the conference program whenever you need to. With your name badge, you have access to attend all of the technical sessions, the exhibit hall with the exhibitor booths and the poster presentations, and the meal functions.

6. I am an overseas participant and I need a letter of invitation before I can receive my visa. What is the procedure?

PANIC will provide letters of invitation upon request to conference registrants only in the following circumstances:

  • Registration is paid in full – AND –
  • Registrants must be with a recognized organization related to the NMR Community.

7. What services are available for special needs and requests?

PANIC encourages persons with disabilities to participate in their conference programs and activities. Please contact info@panicco.org no later than four weeks prior to the conference to request ASL interpreter services or other accommodations for special needs. If you have dietary preferences, please be sure to mark those on the space provided on the registration form when you register.

8. Can I cancel my PANIC Conference registration?

In order to receive a refund (minus the $100 processing fee), you would have needed to cancel your conference registration by the deadline noted on the registration page. No cancellation requests will be taken by phone. Cancellation requests received less than four (4) weeks prior to the first day of the event are not eligible for a refund.

9. Is the conference schedule available?

The 202 program is still being planned. Please click here to see the past program for Nashville 2023 to familiarize yourself with the technical session content.

10. I wanted to attend the Valid NMR Workshop, but I don’t know how to register for it.

The Valid NMR Workshop has been incorporated into the PANIC Conference program. So, there is no longer a separate registration for the Valid NMR Workshop.  You must register for the PANIC conference to attend the Valid NMR Workshop.

11. How can I attend a pre-conference Users Meeting?

You can register for Users’ Meeting via the Users Meeting page. The users’ meetings are complimentary and they will take place on the Sunday prior to the start of the conference.

12. How do I submit an abstract for an oral presentation or a poster presentation for the PANIC Conference?

We will open the call for abstracts for PANIC 2025 this summer.

13. Can I see what sessions will be presented before I arrive on site?

We will provide the program of sessions for PANIC 2025 this summer.

14. When will the exhibit hall be open?

Traditionally, we open the exhibit hall on Sunday evening and keep it open until the following Tuesday evening.

15. How can I reserve exhibitor space in the exhibit hall?

You can download the exhibitor and sponsor prospectus here.

16. How can my organization become a conference sponsor?

Sponsorship opportunities are limited, so act today. To become a PANIC sponsor and for more information, please head to the exhibitor and sponsorship web page here.

17. How can I find out about visiting attractions in the conference city and the surrounding area, and what restaurants are open and within walking distance?

As soon as we confirm a venue for PANIC 2025, we will update our Hotel and Travel pages to familiarize our attendees with the surrounding areas and accommodations.

18. My question is not listed here. Whom do I contact?

If you have questions that are not addressed in these FAQs, please submit your question to info@panicco.org.